
“Ollfeist. Monster. Many, if not most, dismiss them as the stuff of stories to scare children in bedtime tales. Then there are those who acknowledge their existence but with a lack of true conviction, most likely thinking that since they will never see one, it does not matter much one way or the other. They would be wrong.


Across the sea, beyond the Veil of Ceo, there is an island where once dwelt the unholy offspring of death and shadow – the Ollfeist.

In every ocean of legend, a drop of truth. Those who acknowledged but lacked conviction, were soon to learn their error.”

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I am an author, an avid reader and a hopeless political junkie. The title of “author” typically implies a passionate, thoughtful, at times pensive, maybe a touch moody, person who can’t get a “real” job. But despite all this, I remain optimistic. The rest of the story about me here: https://greenwoodtales.wordpress.com/2016/05/18/introductions/

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